The 7 Buy Signals Of Pre-Foreclosure Investing

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I wanted to provide you with a checklist of “buy signals” that experienced pre-foreclosure investors look for and find when evaluating an investment property. These are sure signs that you’re on your way to buying your next investment property at a substantial discount.

{You don’t need to have all seven factors together in one place, but when you find one of these signals, the others are usually right around the corner (no pun intended)~You don’t need to have all seven in and, but when you find one, the others are usually close by~You don’t need to have all seven buy signals in place, but usually when you find one, the others are sure to follow~You don’t need to have all seven buy signals in place in order to move forward with the investment, but it sure does help}.

Buy Signal #1: Homeowner Is Behind On The Mortgage Payment

This is an obvious one, but I thought it needed to be included in the list. {Most homeowners who fall into pre-foreclosure cannot climb back out and usually end up losing the property~Most homeowners who fall behind on the mortgage payment cannot catch up and usually lose the property at foreclosure auction~Many homeowners who fall into foreclosure cannot bring their account current and end up losing the property at sale}.


{When you don’t have money to pay the mortgage, you don’t have money to maintain the house or the grounds either~When homeowners can’t afford to pay the mortgage, they cannot afford the others bills either~When homeowners can’t affored to pay the mortgage, they cannot afford to maintain the house or the grounds either~When a homeowner cannot make the mortgage payments, the property and grounds usually take on signs of neglect}.

Buy Signal #2: Grass Is Overgrown

After many years of running the streets as a pre-foreclosure investor, I learned to pick out (in an instant) the house in foreclosure as soon as I tu